How To Create A Wellness Retreat in Your Own Home | Blys
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How To Create A Wellness Retreat In Your Own Home

By Published on: June 19, 2019 Last Updated: October 26, 2023 No Comments
A lot of families have a naughty corner, but what about the opposite? A wellness retreat should have a place in your home as well. This is where you enjoy dedicated ME time – time spent on yourself, with yourself, for yourself. This special place is designed to nurture you and bring about relaxation. It should be the place you go to when you need to work through your emotions, unwind and de-stress, to balance and centre yourself and realign your goals.

It sounds flouncy and fluffy and silly to some, but something as small as a “you space” at home can bring about newfound peace and contribute to a healthy lifestyle. Having this space and this time reminds you to practice self care, be mindful and look after yourself.

Creating your very own wellness retreat at home is surprisingly simple. It might take some time, but that’s the fun in a project like this one – it’s another small goal to work towards, and the benefits are huge.

Where do I start?

If you’ve never been to a wellness retreat, that’s okay. You don’t need to, because this is a project that should be all about you anyway. The first place to start is with an idea.

wellness retreatYou can find ideas and inspiration in everything:

  • A TV show
  • Newspapers and magazines
  • Pinterest
  • The internet in general
  • On a walk
  • While shopping/window shopping/online shopping
  • Through music
  • In conversation
  • With other people

Ideas for your wellness retreat are all around you. The moment you see something you like or that makes you say “hey, that’s nice!” it could be something you put on your wellness retreat list.

The wellness retreat list

Lists are the easiest way to organise collections. Once you have an idea of your style and the sorts of things you enjoy, start a list for your wellness retreat. How you envision and arrange your space is entirely up to you and your taste.

What does your “happy place” look like?

  • Light, bright and airy
  • Warm, dim and cozy
  • Full of plants
  • Full of blankets
  • Natural tones and lots of wood
  • Synthetic fibres and soft things
  • Surrounded by sentimental items
  • Surrounded by new things
  • Lots of colour
  • Muted colour
  • Monochromatic
  • Sparse and simple
  • Eclectic and busy

wellness retreat

Things you need in your wellness retreat

You should be filling your wellness corner with things that evoke good feelings and foster a sense of relaxation and calm. This is different for everyone. Some people might prefer a minimalist approach with very few, simple things, especially if clutter is something they find stressful. Others might love to be surrounded by material things, new or old. Textures have an impact on our comfort. Things that are smooth, soft, fluffy, quilted, hard, sharp, wooden, ceramic and everything in between can bring us pleasure or discomfort. Fill your space with things that only bring about positivity.

  • A comfy chair or a beanbag
  • A throw blanket and pillows
  • Photographs
  • A warm lamp
  • Greenery and plants
  • Incense, a diffuser or candles
  • A rug
  • Mementos or sentimental items
  • A source of fresh air (a space by the window is best for natural lighting as well)
  • A colour palette: pastels, whites and creams, neutral colours, warm browns and beiges, natural tones, dark and deep, bright and bold

Performing self-care in your home wellness retreat

There are a lot of ways to show yourself love. A few of us consider treating ourselves through food, shopping sprees or other indulgent (and often expensive) means as “self-care” – and if those things bring you comfort and joy, then they can be. But self-care doesn’t have to be ground in material things or emotional cruxes. Honestly, it’s probably better to find a way to treat yourself without having to spend money or compromise a diet or physical health. Fortunately there are lots of ways to practice self-care that just require you and your space.

  • Meditation – guided or self-instructed
  • Practicing mindfulness – combats stress and anxiety
  • Venting – write down why you are unsettled or stressed, or literally talk it through with yourself
  • Write lists – things to do, things you want to say, things that make you happy or upset
  • Have goals – short term, long term, lifetime, immediate
  • Be thankful – take some time to reflect on things to be grateful for

wellness retreatUnderstanding yourself

Self-care is all about knowing yourself. Getting to the core of how, why and in what ways we treat ourselves brings about understanding, acceptance and fulfillment. Being conscious of how we interact with and relate to others is a part of self-care, and reflecting and meditating on this subject can foster healthier behaviours.

When we are stressed, frustrated, irritated or feeling negative emotions, we are likely to go down one of two paths: isolation or aggression. Lashing out or dissociating from others are not healthy or productive behaviours. Recognising your triggers and how these affect your reactions to situations and the treatment of others as a result is all a part of self-care. Once we acknowledge negative behaviours, we can step away from them. This frees ourselves and the people around us.

A wellness retreat is the place you should go to when you feel yourself walking these paths. It is your place to take a moment to breathe, surround yourself with good things, and return to a state of calm and control. It works just as well when you are feeling sad or upset, confused, lonely, overwhelmed, or any other negative way.

wellness retreat

Do something for yourself

Doing things you enjoy doesn’t have to be exclusive to your wellness retreat, obviously. We should always be striving to balance business with leisure, work with play, solitude with socialisation. No matter how you plan your days (if you plan your days), you should always set aside ME time. That means you have time to watch your favourite show or a film, read a book, play a game, or eat that special dessert. Don’t deny yourself things that bring you joy!

If you’re struggling to sleep, this could be a cause of stress, or a contributing factor. Don’t overwork or overexert yourself to no end. Take a break. Indulge at home with dinner delivered, a face mask and reap the benefits of a home massage from Blys.

Your curated wellness retreat is the space for taking time and care for yourself. Use this space to relax, be creative, mindful or just find your zen. You don’t have to travel far and spend big bucks to achieve wellness and happiness in the comfort of your own home. Start small and grow naturally. Don’t give yourself a time limit and don’t put pressure on yourself. Carve out a little piece of tranquility in this hectic world, on your terms.