Mobile Massage Therapists: Here’s How To Offer Hot Stone Massage In Your Clients Homes | Blys
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Mobile Massage Therapists: Here’s How To Offer Hot Stone Massage In Your Clients Homes

By Published on: October 21, 2022 Last Updated: June 12, 2024 No Comments
hot stone massage

Hot stone massages have been used for thousands of years to relieve stubborn aches and pains. Today, these ancient massage techniques are growing in popularity, so there’s never been a better time to brush up on your skills and start offering this service as a mobile massage therapist. 

But, if you’re providing hot stone massages on the go, you’ll need to get a little creative with how to heat your stones and offer a safe, relaxing experience for your clients. 

Never fear: we’re here to explore why you need to be offering hot stone massage as a mobile therapist, how to build your hot stone massage kit (even as a mobile therapist) plus a stack of courses you can take to upskill today.

Why hot stone massages are rising in popularity

As a specialised massage technique, hot stone massages offer a unique and immersive experience for clients (and a stack of powerful benefits).

In a nutshell, hot stone massages involve placing  heated smooth, flat stones along pressure points of the body which penetrate the deep layers of tissue. 

From managing pain to navigating discomfort, hot stone massages draw on ancient traditional Chinese medicine to provide relief to clients from all walks of life. 

Here are just some of the reasons why your clients are going to love a hot stone massage:

  • Relieves muscle tension and pain: heat from the stones is used to relieve pain and tension by increasing blood flow to affected areas. Plus, the use of hot stones can also reduce spasms and improve mobility. 
  • Improves circulation: hot stones are placed on pressure points along the body where the heat can open up the body’s blood vessels. This can improve blood flow and circulation throughout the body. 
  • Reduces stress and anxiety: there have been various studies showing how massages can promote relaxation and reduce stress and anxiety. The heat from the hot stones can further promote a relaxing experience for your clients.
  • Promotes quality sleep: massages (hot stone included) have been shown to promote quality sleep amongst people with and without sleeping difficulties, plus an added benefit of heat can ease tension and promote relaxation needed for a good night’s rest.

How to build your hot stone massage kit 

If you’re a mobile massage therapist you might be wondering how you can offer your clients hot stone massages from the comfort of their own homes. Since you’ll be travelling to various locations you’ll have to get a little creative to offer services involving tools such as hot stones. 

Not sure where to start? Let’s run through some ways you can build your hot stone massage kit. 

1. Portable hot stone massage kits

If you’re going to be performing hot stone massages regularly, it might be worth investing in a portable hot stone massage kit. Luckily, there are plenty of options out there. 

The benefit of a portable hot stone massage kit is that it looks more professional than bringing a rice cooker or using your client’s microwave. It’s also designed to be lightweight and easy to transport to different locations. 

However, given that it is a portable kit, there may be a limited amount of stones included which can limit your hot stone massage technique. 

2. Purchase a rice cooker

A great way to get creative is to use a rice cooker (or slow cooker) to heat up your stones. Just like a portable hot stone massage kit, you can travel with your rice cooker and they can be a great affordable option for a mobile massage therapist, with some being as low as $20. 

However,  using a rice cooker for your hot stone massages may not look as professional to clients so that’s something to keep in mind. 

3. Use a microwave 

An alternative to bringing equipment with you to perform massages is to use your client’s microwave to heat the hot stones. This is a cost-effective method as you’re not paying for any equipment. 

However, using a microwave comes with various challenges. Firstly, this method relies on your client having a microwave and being ok with you using it. On top of that, some hot stones may not be appropriate to use in a microwave as some stones are microwave transparent so be sure to check what your stones are made of before popping them into a microwave.

4. Use warm water

Using warm water is a great affordable way to heat hot stones on the go, but it may take some practice to work out what the right temperature is to avoid burning. 

Generally, the right temperature should be between 43 and 59 degrees and you should invest in a calibrated thermometer to get the temperature right. Hot stones should also typically be left in the water for 3-4 minutes to fully heat the stones.

Why you should consider offering hot stone massages as a mobile therapist 

As a mobile massage therapist, you know how important it is to keep up with trends and evolving practices in the world of massage therapy. 

If you want to stand out from the pack, attract new clients and fill up your schedule, here’s why you need to consider offering hot stone massage to your clients:

  • Expands your business: the growing popularity of hot stone massages, especially on the Blys platform means more and more clients will start to request them. By offering hot stone massages you’re expanding your business offering and securing more clients. 
  • Provides clients with specialised services: different clients have specific requirements, so it’s important to provide niche, tailored services that meet their needs. By including hot stone massage in your service offering you can start securing clients who might be experiencing pain and tension that can’t be solved with regular  massage techniques alone.
  • Increase your earning potential: the more services you offer the more clients you can cater towards, meaning you’re more likely to boost your earning potential as a mobile massage therapist.

What courses are available across Australia to upskill in hot-stone massage

Like what you’ve read so far and want to include hot stone massage as an offering for your clients? We’ve narrowed down some courses you can take both online and in person to brush up on your skills and start securing more clients. 

Central Springs School of Massage Hot Stone Massage Therapy Course

In this online hot stone massage course, facilitated by Central Springs School of Massage and Healing Retreats, you’ll learn how to perform a Polynesian hot stone massage for remedial and deep tissue work. Plus, you’ll learn how to incorporate essential oils into your massage to suit your client’s needs and further promote deep relaxation. 

This course gives massage therapists wanting to expand their service offering and knowledge a personalised course experience plus the ability to gain CPE points. 

Cost: $295

Location: online and personalised at-home study 

Bookings: enquire here

Raindrop Australia Hot Stone Massage Therapist Course

This hot stone massage course run by Raindrop Australia – International Training College for Natural Therapies gives you the knowledge of the 5 fundamental massage techniques and how to safely incorporate heat therapy into your treatment plans.

You’ll also learn invaluable business tips including set-up costs, what to charge clients, and how to advertise yourself as a hot stone massage therapist. 

Cost: $495

Location: online 

Bookings: enquire here

Ili Ili Stones Massage Course

Ili ili Stones is a leader in hot stone massage training with their practitioners having over 22 years of clinical experience. In this course, you will learn the ili ili stone method which uses small group sizes to give you a personalised experience. 

Courses are generally held over three days and are offered in various locations across Australia, learning the history of stones, heating, care and maintenance and how to use stones for treatments for each part of the body. 

Cost: $595

Location: various locations in Australia

Bookings: enquire here

Now that you’re up to speed with the benefits of hot stone massage, and different ways you can build your mobile hot stone massage kit, there’s never been a better time to up-skill and start performing hot stone massages on your clients through Blys.

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