Things You Need To Know Before Your First Massage | Blys
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Things You Need To Know Before Your First Massage

By Published on: April 4, 2017 Last Updated: September 5, 2024 No Comments

Considering getting a home massage for the first time but are unsure of what to expect? Blys offers on-demand massage services, all in the comfort of your own home.

With this article we will cover all the ins and outs of massages and what to expect if it’s your first time experiencing this relaxing delight!

Make a booking


Good massage therapists can book out days, or even weeks in advance. This can be problematic if you feel you need a massage right away.

Thankfully, with Blys, therapists can come to your home in as little as an hour. Make sure you book as quickly as you can for a fast turnaround.

Be prepared!

A good massage therapist will ask you to fill out a form detailing your medical background and any areas of pain before they start your massage session. The therapist will arrive with ample time to discuss any areas of concern with you before they begin.

Before your massage


Once your treatment has been discussed, your therapist will ask you to go into a quiet room in your house, such as your bedroom, and prepare for your massage by lying underneath a sheet or a towel.

Some might choose to completely remove all items of clothes, including underwear, while others might choose to keep their underwear on. This is a personal choice.

Throughout the massage

While the massage is taking place, the therapist will only uncover the part of the body they are working on at the time. This will allow you to keep the rest of your body warm and comfortable throughout the session.

Communication is key throughout your massage session. If you are finding the pressure is too hard or too light, let your therapist know so they can adjust accordingly.

A good therapist should ask you how it feels throughout the massage so they are assured you are enjoying it.

Relax your body and your mind

To truly enjoy your massage, try to quieten your mind and completely relax your body. If anything feels painful, make sure you let your therapist know, so that you can remain as relaxed as possible.

It is best to have no children or other distractions in your home throughout your massage, so you can truly relax.

After your massage

When your massage session is over, the therapist will leave you to get dressed. After they leave, have a cool glass of water and even a warm bath to stay relaxed for as long as possible.

Sounds great? To book a massage at home in Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane, contact us today!

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