Customer Success Story: Home Massage in Western Sydney | Blys
Customer Stories

Customer Stories: Felicity for Massage in Western Sydney

By Published on: February 5, 2020 Last Updated: December 12, 2022 No Comments

How one high school teacher keeps stress at bay with a home massage in Western Sydney

Anyone who has ever been to school knows of the goings-on of the average teacher. They’re required to educate and keep a level head at the same time, which has to be a taxing task. A recent survey by The Conversation revealed that the wellbeing of Australian teachers can be mediocre at best, with 62% of respondents meeting the criteria of moderate to severe anxiety, which is higher than the national average.

Teaching is among the professions that report the greatest susceptibility to stress, according to Emerald Insight. It is no wonder that some teachers  are becoming more conscious of their own welfare.

Felicity works in education in south-western Sydney and is also a regular Blys client. She averaged one massage per month over the last year. She works hard teaching students and is clearly passionate about what the does. Felicity enjoys collaborating with her colleagues “to ensure we are providing our students with a range of opportunities to help them become future leaders and active citizens.”

How Felicity found a blyssful reprieve

Since Felicity often works long hours, she enjoys the flexibility that Blys provides. She can book a home massage in Western Sydney via the app whenever she feels she needs one, which is a fantastic remedy for long days in the classroom during school hours, and at the desk at home. Victoria, her favourite therapist, assists her in managing chronic back and neck pain with remedial massage. Consistent remedial massages are scientifically proven to improve mobility and flexibility, as well as reduce pain and tension. We’ve gone into this more in this previous blog post.

massage in western sydney

In her down time, Felicity enjoys “Tai Chi, brunches and spending time with my husband”. Life really is all about balance. When asked if she has any wellness tips for 2020, she offered some valuable insight:

“We live in stressful times, so I believe it’s important for people to have a method that helps them unwind. I think finding a tool to practice mindfulness, such as Tai Chi, Meditation or Yoga is a great way to relax. As well as this, mindfulness practices also provide many other benefits for your health, including lowering blood pressure, improving circulation, improving sleep, decision making and managing stress.”

We couldn’t have said it better ourselves, nor agreed more. Finding a way to switch off at the end of a long, busy or stressful day is crucial to managing stress. Massage can definitely help in this respect, especially when finding your “method” can take some trial and error. Dedicating a space in your home to serve as a personal wellness retreat is a good way to take a mental holiday when you can’t take a literal one.

Felicity rebooks Victoria to ensure she stays on top of her physical and mental health. Massage offers a reprieve from both, working to reduce stress and pain within the body and the brain. Felicity says that Victoria “also suggests strengthening exercises that have helped me between massage treatments.” We can definitely see why Victoria is such a popular therapist!

As for goals for the new year, Felicity says she’d like to develop a better work/life balance. While a career is important, “we have to make sure we’re available to our friends and family, too.” Felicity turns to Blys for a massage at home when she’s ready to take some time out for herself. Nobody enjoys feeling stressed, burnt out or anxious. Striking a healthy balance that complements your lifestyle helps negate these real problems. Whether you’re a teacher or not, stress is a real problem. Massage can help defeat the demons of stress. Implementing massage into a larger wellness routine is the best way to maintain your mental and physical health.

Thank you so much to Felicity for giving us a snapshot into your daily life. You’ve provided some valuable wisdom! If you have a success story of your own and would like to share your experience with Blys, reach out. We love sharing these real stories.

If you’d like to get a massage in Western Sydney, book online or via the app. To see where else you can get blyssed, visit our Locations page.

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