Why Choose Blys?
Now that you’ve found Blys you can stop searching for ‘waxing near me’, ‘waxing places near me’, ‘home waxing near me’, ‘best waxing near me’ and so on!
With Blys you can book waxing services in minutes delivered to your home, hotel or office.
Providers on the Blys platform are qualified, carefully vetted and insured so you can sit back and relax knowing you’re in good hands (literally).
The best part? Placing a booking couldn’t be easier. Just use our seamless booking platform on our website or download our app.

Frequently Asked Questions
Does waxing hurt?
While waxing is significantly less painful than more invasive treatments like laser hair removal, there is still a low level of discomfort.
However, the pain and discomfort are quick and temporary (although you might notice some redness, tenderness or irritation immediately after your waxing treatment).
Does waxing permanently remove hair?
No, waxing is not considered a permanent hair removal service but as hair follicles thin, it can become permanent for some. Hair grows back slowly over 3-6 weeks.
How long after waxing can I shower?
It is recommended to avoid hot showers and baths for at least 24 hours after getting a wax treatment.
How do I prepare for my first wax?
All you need to do beforehand is pick the room you’d like to have your treatment in, clear 3ft x 5ft of floor space for your cosmetologist to set up their beauty bed and have a table nearby that they can use to lay out their products and tools.
What happens in waxing?
Your cosmetologist will begin by heating up the wax or preparing the wax strips (in the case of skin sensitivities). After applying the warm, melted wax to the desired area, a thin strip of fabric is applied on top, allowing for quick and easy removal of the wax, and your hair along with it! While there may be some discomfort during this process, it should not be a painful experience.
What to wear for waxing?
With Blys, your wax appointment is in the comfort of your own home, so wear whatever makes you feel most comfortable. It is recommended to wear loose fitting clothing, especially after your wax treatment to prevent any rash or irritation to the skin.
Is wax better than shaving?
Waxing is a form of hair removal, and is considered one of the best hair removal techniques for price, longevity of hairlessness, pain and maintaince.
How long does waxing last?
This all depends on how fast your hair grows and how long you go between appointments.
Generally speaking, waxing should last up to six weeks (although you might notice hair starting to return after three to four weeks).
How do you prepare your legs for waxing?
To get the most out of your wax, it’s important to prepare your skin and yourself ahead of time. Here are a few practical steps you can take to prepare ahead of your waxing session:
- Let your hair grow out for at least four weeks to ensure your therapist can properly remove the hair from the follicle.
- Gently exfoliate your skin a day or two before your appointment to flush away any dead skin cells.
- Stay hydrated, avoid too much caffeine and alcohol in the days prior to your appointment and moisture your skin with non-clogging products that are lightweight and non-greasy.
- Stay out of the sun and avoid getting sunburn in the days prior to your appointment.
- Avoid using products with retinol on your skin the week prior to your appointment (as this can increase the sensitivity of your skin).
- Wear lightweight, flowy clothing to your appointment that is easy to take on and off.
Ready To Stop Searching ‘Best Waxing Near Me’?
Book with Blys and have a qualified cosmetologist delivered right to your door.