A Father's Day Gift Idea For Every Type of Dad | Blys
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A Father’s Day Gift Idea For Every Type Of Dad

By Published on: August 27, 2018 Last Updated: October 26, 2023 No Comments
The Day of Dad is just around the corner, and so we’ve assembled this Father’s Day gift guide to cover as many wonderful types of dads out there as possible. Reminder: if he isn’t the materialistic type, we’ve arranged some special Father’s Day massage gift vouchers for the most relaxing day they could have!

The Scientist

“Honey, look what I made!” The one who treats his little munchkins like props and accessories for his schemes. His kids are here to help him build The Next Big Thing.fathers day

For the creative type, we suggest:

  • Build-it-yourself hobby kits
  • Brain-teasers
  • Sudoku book

Check out Games and Things or Australian Geographic for more ideas!

The Handyman

This is the dad that’s great with his hands. He can fix a leaking pipe, change the lightbulb, service the car, mow the lawn and assemble furniture that doesn’t come with IKEA instructions.fathers day

For the hands-on type, we suggest:

You can find more great gadgets at Total Tools and, of course, Bunnings Warehouse.

The Coach

“Go you good thing!” is his favourite phrase. It doesn’t matter what league his kids are playing in – they are never anything less than Supreme Champion when this dad hits the pitch.


For the sporty type, we suggest:

  • A day at Aqua Golf or Putt Putt
  • His favourite football signed by the kids
  • A Blys Sports massage (perfect for after play-day)

If he’s on the sidelines today, turn the lounge room into his oasis and hit up the sports channel! Nothing inspires the sporty type more than watching highlights of their favourite team.

The Hipster

You knew this phrase was going to come up, and here it is: “I’m not like other dads, I’m a cool dad.” Whether it’s a love of craft beer, caricature moustaches and a box of Happy Socks, he strives to be at the top of his modern game.fathers day

For the family style-icon, we suggest:

  • A box of Happy Socks
  • Craft beer mixed boxes
  • A funky shaver

Shaver Shop stock a bunch of cool toys for the personal-grooming department and Dan Murphys has a huge variety of craft beers.

The Dag

This dad is the opposite of the hipster. He doesn’t care for salmon chinos and colour-coordinating ties. He’s happy to bum around the house or potter around the garden in his ancient flanno and Crocs. All his jeans are from the Dark Ages. We’ve gotten used to it.isaac-mehegan-733431-unsplash

For the Golden Age type, we suggest:

  • A radio/bluetooth speaker so that the whole family can enjoy his favourite tunes with him
  • New Crocs
  • A novelty tee-shirt

The “Old Guys Rule” shirt has become a classic.

The Big Kid

Let’s face it: this dad never really grew up. But that’s okay, because it’s what makes him special. He’s the dad that has more fun playing with dolls or LEGO than the kids do. He’ll build the best treehouse in town just so he can hang out in it and blanket forts are his natural habitat.


For the eternal child, we suggest:

  • A surf lesson
  • A trip to Luna Park
  • Board games (Monopoly, Cluedo, Scrabble, Snakes and Ladders – games that teach and entertain!)

This kind of dad has boundless energy and is up for anything. The best gifts for the Big Kid are the ones he can share with the Little Ones.

The Culinary King

He can cook a mean steak and a wicked jus (whatever that is). His weapons of choice are the tongs and the blowtorch. The kitchen is his domain and he knows it. Just don’t expect him to clean up after himself.fathers day

For the chef of the house, we suggest:

  • Cookbooks, like this one from Gordon Ramsay and this one by Zach Golden
  • A premium set of knives
  • A BBQ arsenal like this one

But the best gift for the Culinary King is space while he works, a keen tasting palette, and an offer to clean the dishes afterwards.

The Grandad

We know that each family is unique, and so this list wouldn’t be complete without a shout-out to all of the granddads, pops, and pas out there who do amazing father’s work for their grandkids every day.

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For the twilight type, we suggest:

  • A scrapbook of all favourite memories
  • Write a storybook featuring his memoirs
  • A day spent together (doing whatever he enjoys most)

Personal gifts are best for this type of dad as it gives you both a time to reflect on the all the amazing things he has done in his life and in yours.

The Different Dad

Dads come in all shapes, sizes and kinds. This list wouldn’t be complete without acknowledgement of those who step up to take the place of “dad” and mum.

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For the mums taking the lead, we suggest:

Running the house and the kids on your own can be exhausting, and so a night off and some time to wind-down may just be what this parent really needs.

So Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there. Getting dad super relaxed this Father’s Day is easy with a Blys massage gift voucher, so grab yours here! We hope this post gave you some great ideas for the special men in your life. Share your “Dad Type” in the comments below!